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Large-scale open test-bed JOSE

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About JOSE


JOSE (Japan-wide Orchestrated Smart / Sensor Environment) is an open test-bed.  JOSE provides dedicated experiment environment which consists of flexible and customizable large-scale network and servers.
JOSE also provides a data sharing mechanism that shares sensor data obtained from real environments. Wireless sensor equipments that conforms to the data sharing mechanism are also provided for experimenters.


The main objective of JOSE is to provide a test-bed for a large-scale smart ICT services platform technology. The observation data obtained from a large number of sensors deployed in a wide area can be processed and analyzed in real time using distributed computation resources connected to each other by high-speed network.



- "Takeout" type sensors: Experimenters can borrow this type of sensors and deploy them on the field to their own observation.
- "Ready-to-Use" type sensors: Experimenters can use sensor data observed on sensors that are already installed in the field.
- Common Infrastructure: Dedicated computers(Virtual Machines), storages, and network(Virtual Network) among them are provided.

General-purpose foundation: JOSE common infrastructure

[Computer facilities]
- Ubuntu servers (395 physical servers on each site): KVM guest OSes (16 virtual OS / server)
- VMware ESXi servers (5 physical servers on each site): Free guest OSes
[Storage facilities]
- Total storage capacity is 1 PByte.
- Ubuntu Servers (8 physical servers on each site): KVM guest OSes (16 virtual OS / server).
- VMware ESXi (2 physical servers on each site): Free guest OSes
Network infrastructure is constructed using OpenFlow.
There are three types of network classes: "Static class", "Dynamic class" and "RISE class".
"Static class" is configured by JOSE operators. The experimenters do not have to care about the network configuration. In "Dynamic class", a physical OpenFlow controller is assigned for each experimenter. Experimenters need to configure the OpenFlow network.
"RISE class" provides virtual controller for each experimenter. As a virtualization method, RISE technology is used.
- As a "Ready-to-Use" type sensors, a wide variety of sensors are
  installed in the field of Japan.

Dedicated sensor equipment

A wide variety of sensors, along the characteristics and purpose of the data to be acquired, has been installed in the field of Japan.


- JOSE common infrastructure user manual (on preparation)

Application Forms

Currently (Apr. 2016), we are temporarily suspending to accept
new submission of application forms for JOSE.
When we start accepting new submissions, we will announce it on the testbed web page.