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Robust Network Platform Laboratory

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Emergency Alternative Network System for Disaster-stricken Areas

This study aims to enable the prompt recovery of networks among surviving stations within a period of intensive restoration ranging from three days to one week after a significant disaster has occurred. The prompt recovery of networks can be accomplished by using manual portable equipment, available network resources, and ensuring sufficient bandwidth in backbone networks to build the emergency alternative network system and offer mobile phone services to a large number of disaster victims. In this way, people can be guaranteed to have equal access to information related to the disaster and relief support, which is also necessary for confirming and ensuring safety, and to reduce damage.

Network Control to Enhance the Effectiveness of the Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

With our proposed solution, the nationwide spillover effects of network congestion will be minimized in the occurrence of a significant disaster. Also, the deterioration in the quality of network services will be suppressed to the maximum extent possible by switching to alternate routes in a small amount of time, changing the usage of lines, and making the remaining network resources available for the building of new service networks that will help with the disaster recovery. Sufficient communication capabilities for disaster-stricken areas will also be secured.