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Title | Publication Date |
Google Scholar™ |
Other remarks for applications of IDH | 10/4/2022 | search |
Introduction | 10/4/2022 | search |
Incoherent digital holography system for high-speed 3D motion-picture sensing of weak light | 10/4/2022 | search |
Phase-shifting interferometry techniques applied to incoherent digital holography | 10/4/2022 | search |
355-nm direct-detection Doppler wind lidar for vertical atmospheric motion measurement | 9/20/2022 | search |
Infrared and Terahertz Spectroscopic Investigation of Imidazolium, Pyridinium, and Tetraalkylammonium Tetrafluoroborate Ionic Liquids | 9/15/2022 | search |
Disposable Botnets: Long-term Analysis of IoT Botnet Infrastructure | 9/15/2022 | search |
A Fuzzy Training Framework for Controllable Sequence-to-Sequence Generation | 9/14/2022 | search |
Statistical verifications and deep-learning predictions for satellite-to-ground quantum atmospheric channels | 9/12/2022 | search |
Cryptanalysis of Rocca and Feasibility of Its Security Claim | 9/9/2022 | search |
New Cryptanalysis of ZUC-256 Initialization Using Modular Differences | 9/9/2022 | search |
Design and calibration of curved and see-through integral imaging 3D display | 9/5/2022 | search |
Effects of feed gap arrangements of loop antennas on site validation for EMI measurements below 30 MHz | 9/5/2022 | search |
Design and Implementation of an Edge Computing Testbed to Simplify Experimental Environment Setup | 9/1/2022 | search |
Numerical analysis of quantum circuits for state preparation and unitary operator synthesis | 8/23/2022 | search |
Modified Vector Quantization for Small-Cell Access Point Placement with Inter-Cell Interference | 8/22/2022 | search |
Development and Space-Qualification of a Miniaturized CubeSat’s 2-W EDFA for Space Laser Communications | 8/8/2022 | search |
Cyber Security Cooperation of National Institute to Support the Tokyo 2020 Games | 8/1/2022 | search |
Secure deep learning for distributed data against malicious central server | 8/1/2022 | search |
Synergistic Effect of Motivation for the Elderly and Support for Going out | 7/30/2022 | search |
Assessment of combined exposure to intermediate-frequency electromagnetic fields and pulsed electromagnetic fields among library workers in Japan | 7/28/2022 | search |
Bandwidth Tripler: Broadband Signal Generation With an Image-Rejection Analog Multiplexer for Fiber Optic Transmitters | 7/20/2022 | search |
A 76-Gbit/s 265-GHz CMOS Receiver With WR-3.4 Waveguide Interface | 7/19/2022 | search |
Structural covariance and heritability of the optic tract and primary visual cortex in living human brains | 7/19/2022 | search |
Real-time transmission of geometrically-shaped signals using a software-defined GPU-based optical receiver | 7/18/2022 | search |
Basic characteristics of magnetic field antenna factor of loop antennas for EMI measurements | 7/15/2022 | search |
Morphological Changes in Cu Film Patterns Used in the Catalytic Chemical Vapor Deposition of Graphene | 7/14/2022 | search |
Roadmap on multimode photonics | 7/11/2022 | search |
EPB occurrence in Southeast Asian Sector based on Solar Activity Level and Season over Solar Cycle 24 | 7/8/2022 | search |
Measurement and image-based estimation of dielectric properties of biological tissues —past, present, and future— | 7/8/2022 | search |
TriECCC: Trilingual Corpus of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia for Speech Recognition and Translation Studies | 7/2/2022 | search |
DSP-enhanced Radio-over-fiber Technologies for 5G-and-beyond Wired-wireless Convergence | 6/21/2022 | search |
Butterfly Distribution of Relativistic Electrons Driven by Parallel Propagating Lower Band Whistler Chorus Waves | 6/18/2022 | search |
The Present and Future of Discrete Logarithm Problems on Noisy Quantum Computers | 6/16/2022 | search |
Temporal perceptual learning distinguishes between empty and filled intervals | 6/14/2022 | search |
Decentralized Stochastic Optimization With Random Attendance | 6/14/2022 | search |
Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for End-to-End Speech Translation | 6/10/2022 | search |
Comparison of the tidal signatures in sporadic E and vertical ion convergence rate, using FORMOSAT‑3/COSMIC radio occultation observations and GAIA model | 6/7/2022 | search |
Interaction Between Equatorial to Low-Latitude Postmidnight F-Region Irregularities and LSTIDs in China During Geomagnetic Disturbances Based on Ground-Based Instruments | 6/3/2022 | search |
Text Compression-Aided Transformer Encoding | 6/3/2022 | search |
A High-speed Interface Based on a Josephson Latching Driver for Adiabatic Quantum-Flux-Parametron Logic | 6/3/2022 | search |
Multidimension-multiplexed full-phase-encoding holography | 6/1/2022 | search |
A Novel FDTD Approach Considering Frequency Dispersion of FR-4 Substrates for Signal Transmission Analyses at GHz Band | 5/30/2022 | search |
Development of the Real-Time 30-s-Update Big Data Assimilation System for Convective Rainfall Prediction With a Phased Array Weather Radar: Description and Preliminary Evaluation | 5/29/2022 | search |
Superiorly low half-wave voltage electro-optic polymer modulator for visible photonics | 5/19/2022 | search |
Development of a miniaturized laser-communication terminal for small satellites | 5/17/2022 | search |
Combining Motor Imagery and Action Observation with Vibratory Stimulation Increases Corticomotor Excitability in Healthy Young Adults | 5/16/2022 | search |
Distributed differentially-private learning with communication efficiency | 5/13/2022 | search |
Measurement and exposure assessment of intermediate frequency magnetic fields from electronic article surveillance (EAS) systems in libraries | 5/12/2022 | search |
Which sugar to take and how much to take? Two distinct decisions mediated by separate sensory channels | 5/10/2022 | search |
Prototype Development and Validation of a Beam-Divergence Control System for Free-Space Laser Communications | 5/9/2022 | search |
Investigation of the growth mechanism and crystallographic structures of GaSb dots nucleation layer and GaSb thin film grown on Si(001) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy | 5/5/2022 | search |
eFL-Boost: Efficient Federated Learning for Gradient Boosting Decision Trees | 5/4/2022 | search |
Impact of Space Environment on Geostationary Meteorological Satellite Data Outage | 4/27/2022 | search |
Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit in the deep-strong-coupling regime | 4/26/2022 | search |
Speed limits for two-qubit gates with weakly anharmonic qubits | 4/25/2022 | search |
Aerosol profile measurement with dual-wavelength high-spectral-resolution lidar using a scanning interferometer | 4/21/2022 | search |
Augmented activity of the forearm extensor muscles induced by vibratory stimulation of the palm of the hand in individuals with subacute post-stroke hemiplegia | 4/17/2022 | search |
Normal Mode Splitting in THz Fabry-Pérot Microcavity Containing Electric Split-Ring Resonator or Tilted Cut Wire Metamaterials | 4/15/2022 | search |
Statements from International Union of Radio Science (URSI) on the Need for a Continuous Reference Timescale | 4/13/2022 | search |
Nighttime morphology of vertical plasma drifts over Vietnam during different seasons and phases of sunspot cycles | 4/12/2022 | search |
Generation of Schrödinger cat states with Wigner negativity using a continuous-wave low-loss waveguide optical parametric amplifier | 4/12/2022 | search |
Hyper-Adaptation in the Human Brain: Functional and Structural Changes in the Foot Section of the Primary Motor Cortex in a Top Wheelchair Racing Paralympian | 4/12/2022 | search |
Vertical β-Ga2O3 Schottky barrier diodes with trench staircase field plate | 4/8/2022 | search |
Large Submillimeter High-Speed Photodetector for Large Aperture FSO Receiver | 4/8/2022 | search |
Demonstration of a 90 Tb/s, 234.8 km, C+L band unrepeatered SSMF link with bidirectional Raman amplification | 4/5/2022 | search |
Amplitude enhancement of short period GPS-TEC oscillations over rainfall area | 4/2/2022 | search |
Recent progress in the evaluation of molecular nonlinear optical (NLO) properties by hyper-Rayleigh scattering (HRS) and higher-order HRS, and the development of NLO chromophores | 4/2/2022 | search |
Conditions of a Multi-View 3D Display for Accurate Reproduction of Perceived Glossiness | 4/1/2022 | search |
Gradual Rhythm Change of a Drumming Robot Enhances the Pseudosense of Leading in Human–Robot Interactions | 3/31/2022 | search |
Quadripulse Stimulation: A Replication Study with A Newly Developed Stimulator | 3/29/2022 | search |
Functions of consciousness: conceptual clarification | 3/29/2022 | search |
Conversion efficiency improvement of terahertz wave generation laterally emitted by a ridge-type periodically poled lithium niobate | 3/28/2022 | search |
Dynamic control of microbial movement by photoswitchable ATP antagonists | 3/25/2022 | search |
Investigation of amplitude and phase evolution of a short-pulse propagating through a gain saturated semiconductor optical amplifier | 3/25/2022 | search |
Rec8 Cohesin-mediated Axis-loop chromatin architecture is required for meiotic recombination | 3/25/2022 | search |
A 265-Nanometer High-Power Deep-UV Light-Emitting Diode Rapidly Inactivates SARS-CoV-2 Aerosols | 3/17/2022 | search |
Neural Network Models for Spinal Implementation of Muscle Synergies | 3/16/2022 | search |
A Comparative Study of Few-Mode Fiber and Coupled-Core Multi-Core Fiber Transmission | 3/15/2022 | search |
High-Throughput and Long-distance Transmission with >120nm S-, C- and L-band signal in a 125μm 4-Core Fiber | 3/15/2022 | search |
S-, C- and L-band transmission over a 157 nm bandwidth using doped fiber and distributed Raman amplification | 3/14/2022 | search |
Programmable molecular transport achieved by engineering protein motors to move on DNA nanotubes | 3/11/2022 | search |
Multilayer protection-at-lightpath for reliable slicing with isolation in optical metro-aggregation networks | 3/11/2022 | search |
Effect of substrate orientation on homoepitaxial growth of β-Ga2O3 by halide vapor phase epitaxy | 3/10/2022 | search |
Observation of the Solar Corona Using Radio Scintillation with the Akatsuki Spacecraft: Difference Between Fast and Slow Wind | 3/9/2022 | search |
Computation of Backscattered Fields in Polarimetric SAR Imaging Simulation of Complex Targets | 3/8/2022 | search |
The investigation on daytime conjugate hemispheric asymmetry along 100E longitude using observations and model simulations: New insights | 3/5/2022 | search |
Fabrication of β-Ga2O3/Si heterointerface and characterization of interfacial structures for high-power device applications | 3/2/2022 | search |
Ultra-compact VCSEL scanner for high power solid-state beam steering | 3/1/2022 | search |
Comparison of real-time multi-speaker neural vocoders on CPUs | 3/1/2022 | search |
Line-of-sight quantum key distribution with differential phase shift keying | 2/25/2022 | search |
Multi-Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Visual White Matter Pathways in Patients With Glaucoma | 2/24/2022 | search |
Circuit Modeling of a Wireless Power Transfer System Containing Ferrite Shields Using an Extended Impedance Expansion Method | 2/23/2022 | search |
Bayesian-based decipherment of in-depth information in bacterial chemical sensing beyond pleasant/unpleasant responses | 2/22/2022 | search |
Interference Aggregation Involving Near- to Far-field Propagation of Disturbance and Its Impact on Emission Limits for Radio Protection | 2/17/2022 | search |
Observation Capability of a Ground-Based Terahertz Radiometer for Vertical Profiles of Oxygen and Water Abundances in Martian Atmosphere | 2/16/2022 | search |
Fabrication of n-Si/n-Ga2O3 heterojunctions by surface-activated bonding and their electrical properties | 2/15/2022 | search |
Design of Coaxial Sensor for Dielectric Measurement of Biological Tissues Below 100 MHz Frequency Range | 2/14/2022 | search |
A trapping tolerant drain current based temperature measurement of β-Ga2O3 MOSFETs | 2/14/2022 | search |
Monte Carlo Simulation of Clothed Skin Exposure to Electromagnetic Field with Oblique Incidence Angles at 60 GHz | 2/14/2022 | search |
Throughput Analysis for TCP Over the FSO-Based Satellite-Assisted Internet of Vehicles | 2/14/2022 | search |
Determinants of impaired Bed Mobility in Parkinson’s disease: Impact of hip muscle strength and motor symptoms | 2/10/2022 | search |
β-Gallium oxide power electronics | 2/7/2022 | search |
Characterization of two-level system noise for a microwave kinetic inductance detector comprising niobium film on a silicon substrate | 2/4/2022 | search |
Mutually exclusive expression of sex-specific and non-sex-specific fruitless gene products in the Drosophila central nervous system | 2/4/2022 | search |
Quantum state preparation protocol for encoding classical data into the amplitudes of a quantum information processing register's wave function | 2/3/2022 | search |
Neural speech-rate conversion with multispeaker WaveNet vocoder | 2/3/2022 | search |
Ultrafast measurement of a single-photon wave packet using an optical Kerr gate | 2/2/2022 | search |
Long-Term Secure Distributed Storage Using Quantum Key Distribution Network With Third-Party Verification | 2/2/2022 | search |
Laser Characteristic and Strain Distribution Dependence on Embedding Layer Thickness of Quantum Dots Laser Diodes Grown on InP(311)B Substrate | 2/1/2022 | search |
Domain adaptation and transfer learning for failure detection and failure-cause identification in optical networks across different lightpaths | 2/1/2022 | search |
Dark-TRACER: Early Detection Framework for Malware Activity Based on Anomalous Spatiotemporal Patterns | 2/1/2022 | search |
High-speed fiber–wireless–fiber system in the 100-GHz band using a photonics-enabled receiver and optical phase modulator | 1/31/2022 | search |
Capability of airline jets as an observation platform for noctilucent clouds at middle latitudes | 1/29/2022 | search |
Transfected plasmid DNA is incorporated into the nucleus via nuclear envelope reformation at telophase | 1/20/2022 | search |
Passive near-field imaging via grating-based spectroscopy | 1/18/2022 | search |
Passive near-field imaging via grating-based spectroscopy | 1/18/2022 | search |
Machine Learning-Aided Energy Efficiency Strategy for Multiuser Cooperative Networks | 1/17/2022 | search |
β-Ga2O3 material properties, growth technologies, and devices: a review | 1/17/2022 | search |
Statistical Behavior of Large-Scale Ionospheric Disturbances From High Latitudes to Mid-Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms Using 20-yr GNSS-TEC Data: Dependence on Season and Storm Intensity | 1/11/2022 | search |
Statistical Behavior of Large-Scale Ionospheric Disturbances From High Latitudes to Mid-Latitudes During Geomagnetic Storms Using 20-yr GNSS-TEC Data: Dependence on Season and Storm Intensity | 1/11/2022 | search |
Distinguishing and key recovery attacks on the reduced-round SNOW-V and SNOW-Vi | 1/10/2022 | search |
Propagation direction analysis of medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs) observed with 2D GPS-TEC map using three-dimensional spectral analysis method over North America | 1/10/2022 | search |
DBF-based Fusion Control of Transmit Power and Beam Directivity for Flexible Resource Allocation in HTS Communication System Toward B5G | 1/9/2022 | search |
Identity-based encryption with security against the KGC: A formal model and its instantiations | 1/8/2022 | search |
Full-duplex transmission of multi-Gb/s subcarrier multiplexing and 5G NR signals in 39 GHz band over fiber and space | 1/7/2022 | search |
Transparent Fiber-Millimeter-Wave-Fiber System in 100-GHz Band Using Optical Modulator and Photonic Down-Conversion | 1/7/2022 | search |
Deterministic three-photon down-conversion by a passive ultrastrong cavity-QED system | 1/6/2022 | search |
Single-path single-shot phase-shifting digital holographic microscopy without a laser light source | 1/4/2022 | search |
Effects of Food and Temperature on Drosophila melanogaster Reproductive Dormancy as Revealed by Quantification of a GFP-Tagged Yolk Protein in the Ovary | 1/3/2022 | search |
On the high percentage of occurrence of type-B 150-km echoes during the year 2019 and its relationship with mesospheric semi-diurnal tide and stratospheric ozone | 1/1/2022 | search |