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- Tsutsui, K., Ukita, S., Kondo, M., Toshima, G., Miyazaki, N., Nagashima, K., Ohmura, M., Tsuchihashi, S., Tsuji, Y., Katoh, M., Aida, N., Kobayashi, Y., Ohtsu, Y., Fujita, Y., Tanaka, S., Watanabe, H., Naruse, Y., Iizuka, S., Kato, H., Mashimo, Y., Senbonmatsu, T. Synergistic Effect of Motivation for the Elderly and Support for Going Out II: Measures to Induce Elderly Men to Go Out. Geriatrics, 9(1):21(2024).
- Ishikawa, Y., Kobayashi, N., Legaspi, R., Nakajima, K., Naruse, Y. Physiological Responses to Movies Predict Marital Satisfaction. IEEE Access. 11, 94918-94936(2023).
- Miyazawa, T., Kafle, V., Yokota, Y., Naruse, Y., Asaeda, H. Advanced data analytics using three-stage intelligent model pipelining for containerized microservices in 5G networks and beyond. ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies, Volume 4 (2023), Issue 2, Pages 285-305(2023).
- 岩﨑 正紘, 横田 悠右, 成瀬 康.仮想空間におけるプロテウス効果は初期の脳活動を変調させる.ヒューマンインタフェース学会論文誌 25:3 273-282 (2023).
- Saga, T., Watanabe, H., Naruse, Y. Recurrent Neural Network to Predict Saccade Offset Time Points from Electrooculogram Signals for Automatic Measurement of Eye-Fixation-Related Potential. Appl. Sci. 13, 6230 (2023).
- Mockevičius, A., Yokota, Y., Tarailis, P., Hasegawa, H., Naruse, Y, Griškova-Bulanova I. Extraction of Individual EEG Gamma Frequencies from the Responses to Click-Based Chirp-Modulated Sounds. Sensors 23(5):2826 (2023).
- Chang M., Yokota, Y., Ando, H., Maeda, T., Naruse, Y. Comparison and combination of gamified neurofeedback training and general behavioral training. PLoS ONE 17(12): e0278762 (2022).
- Yokota, Y., Naruse, Y. Effects of subjective and objective task difficulties for feedback- related brain potentials in social situations: An electroencephalogram study. PLoS ONE 17(12): e0277663 (2022).
- Fuseda, K., Watanabe, H., Matsumoto, A., Saito, J., Naruse, Y. & Ihara, A.S. Impact of depressed state on attention and language processing during news broadcasts: EEG analysis and machine learning approach. Sci Rep 12, 20492 (2022).
- Watanabe, H., Naruse, Y. P300 as a neural indicator for setting levels of goal scores in educational gamification applications from the perspective of intrinsic motivation: An ERP study. Front. Neuroergon, 3:9408080 (2022).
- Mashimo, Y., Tsuchihashi, S., Tsutsui, K., Arai, T., Tsuji, Y., Numai, T., Kameda, K., Nishizawa, K., Kovacs, M., Tanaka, S., Watanabe, H., Naruse, Y., Ohmura, M., Ishida, N., Iwasaki, T., Hiruma, G., Miyazaki, N., Takemura, R., Nagashima, K., Sato, Y., Ohtsu, Y., Nakano, T., Aida, N., Iizuka, I., Kato, H., Kobayashi, Y., Senbonmatsu, T. Synergistic Effect of Motivation for the Elderly and Support for Going out. J Pers Med, 12(8):1257 (2022).
- Tanaka, H., Kazuta, Y., Naruse, Y. Tominari, Y., Umehara, H., Sowa, Y., Sagawa, T., Oiwa, K., Okada, M., Kawagishi, I. and Kojima, H. Bayesian-based decipherment of in-depth information in bacterial chemical sensing beyond pleasant/unpleasant responses. Scientific Repports 12, 2965 (2022).
- Komiyama, T., Goya, R., Aoyama, C., Yokota, Y., Naruse, Y. and Shimegi, S. The combination of acute exercise and eye closure has a synergistic effect on alpha activity. Sci Rep. 11(1):20186. (2021).
- Watanabe, H., Higashi, Y., Saga, T., Hashizaki, M., Yokota, Y., Kataoka, H., Nakajima, H. and Naruse, Y. Eye-Fixation-Related Potentials (EFRPs) As a Predictor of Human Error Occurrences During a Visual Inspection Task, International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 5820-5823, Virtual Conference, November (2021).
- Watanabe, H., Nakajima, K., Takagi, S., Mizuyama, R., Saito, M., Furusawa, K., Nakatani, K., Yokota, Y., Kataoka, H., Nakajima, H. and Naruse, Y. Differences in Mechanical Parameters of Keyboard Switches Modulate Motor Preparation: A Wearable EEG Study. Front. Neuroergon. 2:644449, (2021).
- Chang, M., Ando, H., Maeda, T. and Naruse, Y. Behavioral effect of mismatch negativity neurofeedback on foreign language learning. PLoS ONE. 16(7), e0254771 (2021).
- Ihara, A.S., Matsumoto, A., Ojima, S., Katayama, J., Nakamura, K., Yokota, Y., Watanabe, H. and Naruse, Y. Prediction of second language proficiency based on electroencephalographic signals measured while listening to natural speech. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:665809 (2021).
- Ihara, A.S., Nakajima, K., Kake, A., Ishimaru, K., Osugi, K. and Naruse Y. Advantage of handwriting over typing on learning words: Evidence from an N400 event-related potential index. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15:6791919 (2021).
- Yokota, Y. and Naruse, Y. Temporal fluctuation of mood in gaming task modulates feedback-negativity: EEG study with virtual reality, Front. Hum. Neurosci. 15: 536288, (2021).
- Matsumoto, A., Fujimaki, N., Soshi, T. and Ihara, A.S. Distinctive responses in anterior temporal lobe and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex during categorization of semantic information. Scientific Reports 11:13343 (2021).
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- Nakashima, Y., Igarashi, Y., Naruse, Y. and Okada, M. Robust One-dimensional Phase Unwrapping using a Markov Random Field Model, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87, 084801 (2018).
- Umehara, H., Okada, M. and Naruse, Y. Sequential Bayesian Filters for Estimating Time Series of Wrapped and Unwrapped Angles with Hyperparameter Estimation, Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 87, 034005 (2018) .
- Sagawa, T., Mashiko, R., Yokota, Y., Naruse, Y., Okada, M. and Kojima, H. Logistic regression of ligands of chemotaxis receptors offers clues about their recognition by bacteria, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology,5:88(2018).
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- Chang, M., Iizuka, H., Kashioka, H., Naruse, Y., Furukawa, M., Ando, H. and Maeda, T. Unconscious improvement in foreign language learning using mismatch negativity neurofeedback: A preliminary study. PLoS ONE. 12(6), e0178694 (2017).
- Yokota, Y., Tanaka, S., Miyamoto, A. and Naruse, Y. Estimation of Human Workload from the Auditory Steady-State Response Recorded via a Wearable Electroencephalography System during Walking. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 11,314 (2017).
- Umehara, H., Okada, M., Teramae, J. and Naruse, Y. Macroscopic neural mass model constructed from a current-based network model of spiking neurons. Biological Cybenetics 111, 91-103 (2017)
- Soshi, T., Fujimaki, N., Matsumoto, A. and Ihara, A.S. Memory-based specification of verbal features for classifying animals into super-ordinate and sub-ordinate categories. Frontiers in Communication 2:12 (2017).
- Yokota, Y., and Naruse Y. Phase coherence of auditory steady-state response reflects the amount of cognitive workload in a modified N-back task. Neuroscience Research 100, 39-45 (2015)
- Yokota, Y., Igarashi, Y., Okada, M., and Naruse, Y. Estimation of the reaction times in tasks of varying difficulty from thephase coherence of the auditory steady-state response using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator analysis. Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 6662-6666 (Conference Paper) (2015).
- Naruse, Y., Takiyama, K., Okada, M., Umehara, H. and Sakaguchi, Y. Phase shifts in alpha-frequency rhythm detected in electroencephalograms influence reaction time. Neural Networks 62, 47-51 (2015)
- Nihonsugi, T., Ihara, A. and Haruno, M. Selective increase of intention-based economic decisions by noninvasive brain stimulation to the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Journal of Neuroscience 35:8,3412-9 (2015).
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- Shinshi, M., Yanagiawa, T., Hirata, M., Goto, T., Sugata, H., Araki, T., Okamura, Y., Hasegawa, Y., Ihara, A. and Yorifuji, S. Temporospatial Identification of Language-Related Cortical Function by a Combination of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Magnetoencephalography. Brain and Behavior 5:3,e00317 (2015).
- Ihara, A.S., Mimura, T., Soshi, T., Yorifuji, S., Hirata, M., Goto, T., Yoshinime, T., Umehara, H. and Fujimaki, N. Facilitated lexical ambiguity processing by transcranial direct current stimulation over the left inferior frontal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 27:1,26-34 (2015).