In memory of Prof. Jon P. Dowling
June 12, 2020
It is a terribly sad news for us that our dear friend, research collaborator, Professor Jonathan P. Dowling in Louisiana State University passed away. Jon has been a worldwide renowned theoretical physicist for quantum optics, quantum sensing and all related quantum information science. He is particularly famous for quantum lithography with a nonclassical state, called a NOON state, and also advocating the “second quantum revolution” already in 2003 predicting the current rapid progress of quantum technologies. Since 2013, Jon has been a regular visitor of our group and also regularly sending his students for internship. We had wonderful international research collaborations and a lot of fun! He was also an international advisory committee member of NICT and helped us to work in worldwide.
Jon was always encouraging us, enjoying physics discussions, inspiring, being a great mentor to young colleagues and students, and giving us a lot of humors and laughs! He was very friendly to everyone, not only researchers and students, and we were always looking forward to having his next visit.
Thank you for everything Jon and we all miss you very much!
Thank you for everything Jon and we all miss you very much!
From your friends at Quantum ICT Advanced Development Center and
Macroscopic Quantum Physics Research Project in NICT