Topics (News & Press Release)
Toshiba, ToMMo, Tohoku University Hospital, and NICT Link Quantum Security and Personal Authentication, Successfully Deliver Secure Personalized Healthcare Use Case
Genome data of numerous individuals stored and transmitted in theoretically secure method and utilized only with individual consent
[December 28 2022] -
Toppan and NICT Establish World’s First Technology for Equipping Smart Card Systems with Post-Quantum Cryptography Selected by NIST
Effectiveness confirmed in pilot test on secure healthcare data system
[October 26, 2022] -
New Method to Systematically Find Optimal Quantum Operation Sequences for Quantum Computers Developed
[September 2, 2022] -
Successful Joint Verification Test for Low Latency Transmission of Highly Confidential Data Using Quantum Cryptography for Large-volume Financial Transaction Data
[February 18, 2022] -
Toshiba, ToMMo, Tohoku University Hospital, and NICT Demonstrate the Use of Quantum Cryptography Communication and Secret Sharing Technologies for Distributed Storage of Genome Analysis Data
[October 7, 2021] -
Beginning Joint Verification Tests on Quantum Cryptography Technology to Enhance Cybersecurity in the Financial Sector
[January 18, 2021] -
NEC, NICT and ZenmuTech use quantum cryptography to encrypt, transmit and backup electronic medical records
[November 20, 2020] -
Toppan, NICT, QunaSys, and ISARA Launch Collaboration to Establish Quantum Secure Cloud Technology
[October 19, 2020] -
In memory of Prof. Jon P. Dowling
[June 12, 2020] -
Demonstration of Secure Data Backup of Medical Records Using Secret Sharing on Secure Communications Network
[December 12, 2019]