Previous Events
The 3rd UK-Japan Quantum Technology Workshop / The 4th Quantum ICT Forum (Thursday, October 13th, 2016)
Venue: Conference room, British Embassy Tokyo,Chiyoda-ku,Tokyo
The 5th International Conference on Quantum Cryptography (QCrypt 2015)
(Monday, September 28th - Friday, October 2nd, 2015)
Venue: Hitotsubashi Hall, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Lab tour: Afternoon of Wednesday, September 30th, 2015 at NICT Koganei Headquarter.
Organizer: National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
The University of Electro-Communications (UEC)
In Cooperation with: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC), Japan
Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan
QCrypt is an annual conference for students and researchers working on all aspects of quantum cryptography. The goal of the conference is to represent the previous year's best results and to support the building of a research community in quantum cryptography. Starting in 2011, the conferences were held 2011 in Zurich, 2012 in Singapore, 2013 in Waterloo, 2014 in Paris, and this year in 2015, the 5th conference (QCrypt 2015) was held in Tokyo.
In QCrypt 2015, in addition to the scientific presentations, the conference had several scientific and social events including the lab tour at NICT, AIT Open Source Software for QKD Post Processing Workshop, the working group meetings, and the public lecture.
297 participants from all over the world.
1 key note talk, 4 tutorials, 9 invited talks, 26 contributed talks, 3 hot topics, and 113 poster presentations.
For more detail, please visit QCrypt 2015 website.

Updating Quantum Cryptography and Communications 2015
(Monday, September 28th, 2015)
Venue: Hitotsubashi Hall, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Organizer: National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
In Cooperation with: Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
The conference was aimed to show the state-of-the-art of Quantum Cryptography technology and discuss how Quantum Information and Communications Technology comes into use in practical applications, as well as how the society will benefit from it in everyday life. The audiences included not only researchers and engineers but also future potential users. The conference puts emphasis on Quantum Cryptographic Devices, their operation in the network testbed, and their practical applications. These are demonstrated by real time demonstrations, video shows, and technical presentations. In addition, there was a special talk and demonstration by the inventers of the first quantum cryptography (Dr. C. H. Bennett and Prof. G. Brassard).
334 participants from all over the world.
For more detail, please visitUQCC 2015 website

The third meeting of Quantum ICT Forum
(Thursday, September 25th - Friday, September 26th, 2014)
Venue: International Conference Room at NICT Headquarters
Organizer: Quantum ICT Research Laboratory, NICT
"Quantum ICT Forum" is a meeting where researchers in the field of quantum ICT meet together and comprehensively discuss ways to enhance industry-academia-government collaborations, to promote and disseminate research activities, and to compete and cooperate with overseas research teams.
This year, 70 people representing NICT's own and commissioned researches, and SCOPE projects funded by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications participated in the forum, and they reported latest research results, and actively exchanged opinions mainly on the following:
- NICT and cooperation companies shared the latest status in development toward actual use of quantum cryptography ("Tokyo-QKD") network.
- Attendees discussed how to demonstrate fundamental research topics in the field of quantum communications and quantum repeaters.

Secure Photonic Network Seminar II
(Monday, November 11th, 2013)
Venue: The 602 meeting room, Building 3, NICT Headquarters
Coordinator: Masahide Sasaki (NICT)
Invited guest researchers:
Jonathan P. Dowling (Louisiana State University)
Richard J. Hughes (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Jane E. Nordholt (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Rupert Ursin (Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) Austrian Academy of Sciences)
In this informal seminar, we discussed several topics on QKD such as possible applications of QKD, security certifications, cost estimations for practical QKD systems, and latest security analyses. The sessions consisted of short talks followed by free discussions.
Web ‣
Symposium on New Frontiers of Quantum Photonic Network
(Wednesday, November 6th ~ Thursday, November 7th, 2013)
Venue: Auditorium, The University of Electro-Communications
The University of Electro-Communications (UEC)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Support: FIRST-QIPP (Funding Program for World-Leading Innovative R&D on Science and Technology - Quantum Information Processing Project)
In 2002, organization-wide collaboration of NICT and UEC in research and education started. In 2013, NICT and UEC established a new collaboration research agreement in free-space optical quantum communications and quantum metrology including a construction of new testbeds in both campuses. The aim of this symposium is to discuss the latest research activities in these fields to stimulate the actual collaborations.
The symposium consisted of three sessions:
1. Talks by NICT and UEC scientists, and by invited scientists in related fields.
2. Talks by Japanese young scientists.
3. Tutorial talks for students.
The second meeting of Quantum ICT Forum
(Wednesday, October 23th ~ Friday October 25th, 2013)
Venue: International Conference Room at NICT Headquarters
Organizer: Quantum ICT Research Laboratory, NICT
The second meeting of the Quantum ICT Forum was held on 23-25 October 2013 at the International Conference Room, NICT Headquarters. The aim of the meeting included:
(1) Reports on the current progress of our third mid-term plan, the Quantum Phase III(2011-2015)and discuss the R&D plans for the remaining term of the Quantum Phase III
(The interim report is summarized in
(2) Discussions on the latest research progress in quantum info-communication technologies.
(3) Discussions on the social needs and R&D trends of QKD to show a future vision and a roadmap with appropriate promotion schemes.
Web ‣
Secure Photonic Network Seminar I
(Thursday, March 7th, 2013)
Venue: The seminar room, Building 3, NICT Headquarters
Coordinator: Masahide Sasaki (NICT)
Invited guest researchers:
Sebastien Kunz-Jacques(SeQureNet)
Paul Jouguet(SeQureNet)
An informal seminar on QKD technology was held with 17 participants.
Several topics on QKD techonology were discussed including CVQKD implementation, security analyses on various QKD protocols, and new key distillation algorithms.
Web ‣
The first meeting of Quantum ICT Forum.
(Wednesday, October 17th ~ Friday October 19th, 2012)
Venue: International Conference Room at NICT Headquarters
Organizer:Quantum ICT Research Laboratory, NICT
Objective:This forum is held once a year for the following two purposes:
(1) To present latest results of research and development (R&D) by all the teams which participate in the Project UQCC, and to share information for effective collaborations.
(2) To analyze social needs and R&D trends, and to show a future vision and a roadmap with appropriate promotion schemes.
Summary:Totally 108 attendees took part in the forum, and had active discussions on the following topics.
a) Development of QKD systems for mission critical applications as short-term challenges.
b) Secure photonic network for the high-end consumer application as medium-term challenges.
c) Quantum repeaters and architecture for quantum network using them as long-term challenges.
d) Basic theory on quantum info-communications as continuous challenge.
On the first day, we held the Plenary Meeting to discuss the current status, promotion strategy, and a future vision of quantum ICT.
On the first and second day, a tour of facilities at NICT such as Tokyo QKD Network and quantum optical experiments.
Web ‣
Start-up Meeting of NICT Commissioned Research .
(October 27 (Thu) and 28 (Fri), 2011 )
Venue: Shufu Kaikan Plaza F
Organizer:National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Outline:The Startup Meeting of NICT Commissioned Research was held on 27 (Thu) and 28 (Fri) October 2011 in Tokyo. All the teams and the reviewers of the subjects got together to share the missions of the projects, and to get to know each other for tight collaboration. It is far past the period when each team concentrated only their own subject. It is now the time we realized the interoperability between the systems developed, and integrate them into a practical quantum network.
2nd International Conference on Quantum Information and Technology. (ICQIT)
(October 21 (Thu) and 22 (Fri), 2010 )
Venue: NII (National institute of informatics)
Organizer: National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Co-organizer:National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
Updating Quantum Cryptography and Communications 2010.(UQCC2010)
(October 18 (Mon) - 20 (Wed), 2010 )
Venue: ANA InterContinental Hotel in Tokyo.
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)
Information-technology Promotion Agency, Japan (IPA)
In Cooperation with:
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (MIC)
Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI)
National Institute of Informatics (NII)
Inauguration of the Tokyo QKD Network
(October 14 (Thu) )
Date: October 14th. 2010
Venue: KDDI Hall
Organizer: National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)