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Duration: 04/01/2016 – 03/31/2019 (36 months)
Status: Complete
Journal Publications: 13
Patents: 1
Publicly Available Data Sets: 1
Website: https://www2.nict.go.jp/astrec-att/member/mutiyama/ALT/index.html

Project Introduction

Six leading institutes in natural language processing (NLP) have started to build the Asian Language Treebank (ALT) for English, Indonesian, Japanese, Khmer, Malay, Myanmar, and Vietnamese. English Wikinews texts were then translated into these languages. Linguistic information such as word segmentation, part-of-speech tagging, and syntax trees will be annotated. Word alignment information among these languages will be assigned too. ALT will be the foundation of the research and development of NLP tools and applications, such as Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation.

Project Members

* Project Leader
Name Position/Degree Department, Institution, Country
Masao Utiyama * Senior Researcher/ Ph.D. UCRI, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Hammam Riza Deputy Chairman/Ph.D. Energy and Material, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi, Indonesia
Aw Ai Ti Unit Head Machine Translation Group, HLT, Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore
Luong Chi Mai Associate Professor/ 
Multimedia Human-Machine Language Technology, Institute of Information Technology, Vietnam
Sethserey Sam Vice President of Research/Ph.D. National Institute of Posts, Telecommunications and Information and Communications Technology, Cambodia
Khin Mar Soe Professor/Ph.D. NLP Lab, University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
Thepchai Supnithi Research Team Leader/ 
Principal Researcher
National Electronics and Computer Technology Center, Thailand
Ria A. Sagum Associate Professor Polytechnic University of the Philippines