News Archives
2023 News Archives
The article "Using machine learning to find exact analytic solutions to analytically posed physics problems" written by Dr. Sahel Ashhab has been published in Heliyon 10, e28124 (2024). (March 30 2024)
The article "High-frequency suppression of inductive coupling between flux qubit and transmission line resonator" written by Dr. Sahel Ashhab, Ziqiao Ao, Fumiki Yoshihara, Adrian Lupascu, Kouichi Semba, has been published in Physica Scripta 99, 045116 (2024). (March 18 2024)
The article "Controlling qubit-oscillator systems using linear parameter sweeps" written by Dr. Sahel Ashhab, Tomoko Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Sunmi Kim and Kouichi Semba, has been published in New Journal of Physics 25, 093011 (2023). (September 6 2023)
The article "Extremely large Lamb shift in a deep‑strongly coupled circuit QED system with a multimode resonator" written by Dr. Ziqiao Ao, Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, TakaoAoki & Kouichi Semba, has been published in Scientific Reports 13, 11340 (2023). (June 13 2023)
2022 News Archives
The article "Nonlinear Landau-Zener-Stückelberg-Majorana problem" written by Dr. Sahel Ashhab, Olga A. Ilinskaya, and Sergey N. Shevchenko, has been published in Physical Review A 106, 062613 (2022). (December 16, 2022)
The article "All-Nitride Superconducting Qubit with Epitaxial Josephson Junctions on Si Substrate" written by Dr. Sunmi Kim, Hirotaka Terai, Taro Yamashita, Kunihiro Inomata, has been published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 77, 12_805 (2022). (December 5, 2022)
Dr. Ashhab was awarded IOP trusted reviewer status which is designed to recognise the very best peer reviewers in the physical sciences by IOP(Institute of Physics) Publishing. (September 7, 2022)
NICT Press Release (September 2, 2022) "New Method to Systematically Find Optimal Quantum Operation Sequences for Quantum Computers Developed".
The article "Numerical analysis of quantum circuits for state preparation and unitary operator synthesis" written by Dr. Sahel Ashhab, Naoki Yamamoto, Fumiki Yoshihara, and Kouichi Semba, has been published in Physical Review A 106, 022426 (2022). (August 23, 2022)
The article "Numerical analysis of quantum circuits for state preparation and unitary operator synthesis" written by Dr. Sahel Ashhab, Naoki Yamamoto, Fumiki Yoshihara, and Kouichi Semba, has been published in Physical Review A 106, 022426 (2022). (August 23, 2022)
The article "Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit in the deep-strong- coupling regime" written by Dr. Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Tomoko Fuse, Motoaki Bamba, Kouichi Semba has been published in Scientific Reports 12, 6764 (2022) (April 26, 2022)
The article "Speed limits for quantum gates with weakly anharmonic qubits" written by Dr. Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Naoki Yamamoto, Adrian Lupascu, Kouichi Semba has been published in Physical Review A 105, 042614 (2022) (April 25, 2022)
2021 News Archives
NICT Press Release (September 20, 2021)"All-nitride Superconducting Qubit Made on a Silicon Substrate"
The article "Enhanced coherence of all-nitride superconducting qubit epitaxially grown on silicon substrate" written by Dr. Sunmi Kim, Hirotaka Terai, Taro Yamashita, Wei Qiu, Tomoko Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Kunihiro Inomata & Kouichi Semba, has been published in Communications Materials 2, 98 (2021) (September 20, 2021)
The article "Enhanced coherence of all-nitride superconducting qubit epitaxially grown on silicon substrate" written by Dr. Sunmi Kim, Hirotaka Terai, Taro Yamashita, Wei Qiu, Tomoko Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Kunihiro Inomata & Kouichi Semba, has been published in Communications Materials 2, 98 (2021) (September 20, 2021)
Dr. Sahel Ashhab joined our group (January 4, 2021)
Before News Archives
Our recent results are cited in the following review articles:
・P. Forn-Diaz et al., ‘Ultrastrong coupling regimes of light-matter interaction’, Reviews of Modern Physics. 91, 025005 (2019).
・Anton Frisk Kockum et al., ‘Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter’, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 19 (2019).
・P. Forn-Diaz et al., ‘Ultrastrong coupling regimes of light-matter interaction’, Reviews of Modern Physics. 91, 025005 (2019).
・Anton Frisk Kockum et al., ‘Ultrastrong coupling between light and matter’, Nature Reviews Physics 1, 19 (2019).
The special lecture by Prof. Michel Devoret at Yale university will be held at NICT on May 8th starting at 13:30.
The article "Interaction between an Artificial Atom and an Electromagnetic Field - Beyond the Strong Coupling" written by Dr. Tomoko Fuse has published in Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, January 2018. (Japanese only, January 18, 2018)
Dr. Sunmi Kim joined our group (January 4, 2018)
Our CREST proposal of 2017 has been adopted and started in the research area of JST-CREST "Creation of an innovative quantum technology platform based on the advanced control of quantum state" (Research Supervisor : Prof. Yasuhiko Arakawa)
Our recent study has published in NICT News No.465 August 2017. (The front cover photo is our research equipment) (September 6, 2017)
Our team won the best prize at NICT 2017 best performance award for the success of the manuscript published in Nature physics. (only in Japanese, April 27, 2017)
The article “Superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling regime” written by Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito & Kouichi Semba, has been added in Nature Physics 13, 44–47 (2017) (April 28, 2017)
IWQD2017 was held in NII, Tokyo, March 6-8, 2017.
Our recent paper was introduced as a hot topic ‘Cavity quantum electrodynamics: Beyond strong’ at NEWS AND VIEWS in nature physics 13 (October 11, 2016)
We launced a press release "Stable Molecular State of Photons and Artificial Atom Discovered"(October 11, 2016)
The English website is prepared.(July 19, 2016)