The “NOTICE” Project to Survey IoT Devices and to Alert Users
February 1, 2019
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
1. Background
2. Outline of “NOTICE” Implementation
3. Public Announcement of “NOTICE”
- Implementation of Operations Prescribed in Article 8, paragraph 2 of the Supplement of the Act on the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology—Response from the Information and Communications and Posts Administrative Council (January 25, 2019)
- Results of Appeal for Opinions pertaining to the Ministerial Ordinance concerning the Plan on the Implementation of the Work Prescribed in Article 9 of the Act on Partial Revisions to the Telecommunications Business Act and the Act on the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology as well as the Criteria Specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph 4, item 1 of the Supplement of the Act on the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, along with the Response of the Information and Communications and Posts Administrative Council (October 19, 2018)
- Appeal for Opinions pertaining to the Ministerial Ordinance concerning the Plan on the Implementation of the Work Prescribed in Article 9 of the Act on Partial Revisions to the Telecommunications Business Act and the Act on the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology as well as the Criteria Specified by an Ordinance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications as prescribed in Article 8, paragraph 4, item 1 of the Supplement of the Act on the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (August 24, 2018)
Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
• Office of the Director-General for Cybersecurity
In charge: Deputy Director Goto, Assistant Director Aoki, Assistant Director Oriishi, Researcher Iizuka, Official Endo
Tel.: 03-5253-5749; Fax: 03-5253-5752
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
• Press Office, Public Relations Department
In charge: Hirota
Tel.: 042-327-6923; Fax. 042-327-7587
• National Cyber Observation Center
In charge: Yoshida
Tel.: 042-327-7501