Release of White Papers on Beyond 5G/6G and Quantum Network
April 30, 2021
(Japanese version released on April 1, 2021)
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
1. Background of white papers
<Beyond 5G/6G>
- In several countries, R&D on the next-generation information and communications infrastructure, “Beyond 5G/6G”, which is expected to be the foundation of all industries and societies in the 2030s, is becoming active. It is important to establish Beyond 5G/6G key technologies as soon as possible. NICT has been conducting R&D on wired and wireless network technologies of Beyond 5G.
<Quantum Network>
- Recently, several countries has been promoting R&D on quantum technologies such as cryptography and quantum network, aiming for the "quantum Internet" as the ultimate goal. In January 2020, the Japanese government announced the "Quantum Technology Innovation Strategy". As the "Quantum Security Hub" in this strategy, NICT has been conducting cutting-edge R&D related to quantum networks and stated to establish the hub for industry-academia-government cooperation and to develop human resources.
2. Publication of white papers
- Considering the backgrounds, NICT has released the white papers on “Beyond 5G/6G” and the “Quantum Network”. The white papers outline the social vision and use cases that are expected to be realized by technology development, the key technologies and the R&D roadmaps, and the direction of NICT's initiatives.
3. NICT's action based on the white papers
- In accordance with the Fifth Medium-to-Long-Term Plan of NICT, which has started from April 2021, NICT will promote R&D and social implementation of Beyond 5G/6G and quantum networks in collaboration with other research institutions based on the white papers. NICT will update the white papers as necessary.
4. Download the white papers
- These white papers are available from the following download website. When you download the white papers, you are asked for a few questionnaires. We appreciate your kind cooperation.
- Download site URL
Contact (Department in charge)
Beyond 5G/6G White Paper
ISHIZU Kentaro
Beyond 5G Design Initiative
Beyond 5G R & D Promotion Unit
Tel: +81-42-327-7949
Quantum Network White Paper and
about the White Paper Web Site
IDE Shinji
Strategic Planning Department
Tel: +81-42-327-6554
Contact (PR department)
Press Office
Public Relations Department