NICTプレスリリース ”外部磁場を必要としない新型超伝導磁束量子ビットを世界で初めて実現” (2024)
NICTプレスリリース ”量子コンピュータのコンパイラ高速化技術を開発” (2024)
NICTプレスリリース ”量子コンピュータに最適な量子演算シーケンスをシステマティックに見つける手法を開発”
NICTプレスリリース ”シリコン基板を用いた窒化物超伝導量子ビットの開発に成功”
NbN-based flux qubit with ferromagnetic π-junction, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, U.S.A. , 2024年03月08日
Strongly Driven Two-Photon Qubit-Resonator Interactions: Nonclassical States, Qubit Readout, and More, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, U.S.A. , 2024年03月07日
High-frequency suppression of inductive coupling between flux qubit and transmission line resonator, APS March Meeting 2024, Minneapolis, U.S.A. , 2024年03月05日
超伝導回路を使った量子情報処理: 量子コンパイラー, Nanotech2024、東京ビッグサイト, 2024年01月31日~02月02日
Using machine learning to find exact analytic solutions to analytically posed physics problems, The 6th R-CCS international Symposium, Kobe International Conference Center , 2024年01月29日~30日
Python vs C on the A64FX processor : A case study from quantum circuit synthesis, The 6th R-CCS international Symposium, Kobe International Conference Center, 2024年01月29日~30日
超伝導量子ビットと共振器間の深強結合の研究, 先端ICTデバイスラボ・コラボレーションミーティング2024, 2024年01月19日
Can the qubit frequency remain finite even under the very strong Lamb shift from an infinite number of electromagnetic modes?, The Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2023, Hawaii, USA, 2023年12月05日
Niobium-nitride-based superconducting qubit, Quantum Innovation 2023, Tokyo Convention Hall, 2023年11月16日
Niobium-nitride-based superconducting flux qubit with π-phase shifter, EUCAS2023(16th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity, 2023年9月6日
New mathematics and machine learning applications from qubits and oscillators, International Council for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM), Tokyo, Waseda University, Japan, 2023年8月21日
Speed limits for two-qubit gates with weakly anharmonic qubits, Sixth International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Computer Simulation (AMMCS), Waterloo, Canada, 2023年8月18日
Exploring new frontiers with superconducting qubit circuits: expanding the Hilbert space beyond qubits and pushing qubit-cavity coupling to the deep strong regime, Institute of Quantum Computing (IQC) Seminar, Waterloo, Canada, 2023年8月10日
Exploring new frontiers with superconducting qubit circuits: expanding the Hilbert space beyond qubits and pushing qubit-cavity coupling to the deep strong regime, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA, 2023年6月26日
Exploring new frontiers with superconducting qubit circuits: expanding the Hilbert space beyond qubits and pushing qubit-cavity coupling to the deep strong regime, Quantum Engineering Seminar in Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA, 2023年6月23日
Numerical analysis of quantum circuits for state preparation and unitary operator synthesis, The Optica Quantum 2.0 Conference, Hyatt Regency Denver, USA, 2023年6月21日
結晶成長させた窒化物を用いた超伝導量子ビットの研究, 応用物理学会結晶工学分科会 第 158 回研究会(オンライン), 2023年4月21日
超伝導磁束量子ビット‐LC 共振器深強結合系の時間領域測定, 応用物理学会 第70回春季講演会 上智大学 四谷キャンパス, 2023年3月17日
Numerical analysis of quantum circuits for state preparation and unitary operator synthesis, APS March Meeting 2023 Las Vegas, 2023年3月10日
Observation of Extremely Large Lamb Shift in a Multi-mode Circuit QED System in Deep-strong Coupling Regime, APS March Meeting 2023 Las Vegas, 2023年3月9日
All-nitride superconducting qubits epitaxially grown on silicon substrate,
Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2022, Island of Kaua'i (Hawaii,USA), Dec. 4-9, 2022
Speed limits for two-qubit gates with weakly anharmonic qubits,
Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS) 2022, Island of Kaua'i (Hawaii,USA), Dec. 4-9, 2022
Coherence properties of NbN-based superconducting qubits
The 15th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC15)
金 鮮美(招待講演), 寺井 弘高, 山下太郎, Wei Qiu, 布施 智子, 吉原 文樹, Sahel Ashhab , 猪俣邦宏, 仙場 浩一
Superconducting qubits with epitaxially-grown nitride Josephson junctions
Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Naoki Yamamoto, Adrian Lupascu, Kouichi Semba
Speed limits for two-qubit gates with weakly anharmonic qubits
APS March Meeting 2022
Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Tomoko Fuse, Motoaki Bamba, Kouichi Semba
Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit in the deep-strong coupling regime
APS March Meeting 2022
Superconducting qubits with nitride Josephson junctions
理化学研究所 量子コンピュータ研究センター(RQC)セミナー
Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Naoki Yamamoto, Adrian Lupascu, Kouichi Semba
Speed limits for two-qubit gates with weakly anharmonic qubits
ISNTT 2021
S. Kim, H. Terai, T. Yamashita, W. Qiu, T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Inomata, K. Semba
Enhanced coherence of all-nitride superconducting qubits on a silicon substrate
ISNTT 2021
T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, K. Semba
Coherence measurements of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit in the deep-strong coupling regime
ISNTT 2021
F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, T. Fuse, M. Bamba, K. Semba
Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit in the deep-strong-coupling regime
ISNTT 2021
Z. Ao, F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, T, Aoki, K. Koshino, K. Semba
Parameter Analysis towards Deterministic Photon Down-conversion in Ultra-strong Coupling Regime
ISNTT 2021
S. Kim(invited), H. Terai, T. Yamashita, W. Qiu, T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Inomata, K. Semba
All-nitride superconducting qubit on silicon substrate
布施 智子, 吉原 文樹, Sahel Ashhab, 角柳 孝輔, 齊藤 志郎, 仙場 浩一
磁束量子ビット-LC 共振器深強結合回路のコヒーレンス測定
日本物理学会 2021年秋季大会
Sahel Ashhab
Optimizing the control of weakly anharmonic superconducting qubits
Sunmi Kim, Hirotaka Terai, Taro Yamashita, Wei Qiu, Tomoko Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Kunihiro Inomata, Kouichi Semba
Capacitively shunted flux qubit based on epitaxially grown NbN/AlN/NbN Josephson junctions on Si substrate
APS March Meeting 2021
金 鮮美, 山下太郎, 加藤悠輝, 丘 偉, 布施 智子, 吉原 文樹, 仙場 浩一, 藤巻 朗, 寺井 弘高
電子情報通信学会 超伝導エレクトロニクス研究会(SCE)(オンライン開催), 2020年11月25~26日
吉原 文樹, アシュハブ サヘル, 布施 智子, 馬場 基彰, 仙場 浩一
深強結合領域における磁束量子ビット-LC 共振器結合系の回路 Hamiltonian
日本物理学会2020年秋季大会(オンライン開催), 2020年9月8日~9月11日
S. Kim, T. Yamashita, H. Terai, W. Qiu, T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, K. Semba
π位相シフターを持つ NbN ベース超伝導量子ビットの開発
応用物理学会2020年秋季大会(オンライン開催), 2020年9月8日~9月11日
Kouichi Semba, Sahel Ashhab
Conical intersections and Berry phase in deep-strongly coupled superconducting qubit-resonator system
American Physics Society (APS) March Meeting 2020, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Tomoko Fuse, Kouichi Semba
Derivation of the Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit using the circuit variables
American Physics Society (APS) March Meeting 2020, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, K. Semba
Time-domain measurements of an ultra-strongly coupled qubit-resonator circuit
American Physics Society (APS) March Meeting 2020, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
S. Kim, T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, W. Qiu, T. Yamashita, Z. Ao, K. Semba, H. Terai
NbN-based superconducting qubit on Si substrate
American Physics Society (APS) March Meeting 2020, Colorado Convention Center, Denver, USA, March 2-6, 2020.
布施智子, Zhihao Xiao,Sahel Ashhab, 吉原文樹, 仙場浩一, 佐々木雅英, 武岡正裕, Jonathan P. Dowling
2020年1月29日, 理化学研究所 鈴木梅太郎記念ホール(東京)
F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, Z. Ao, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, T.
Aoki, K. Koshino, K. Semba
Inversion of Qubit Energy Levels in Qubit-Oscillator Circuits in the Deep-Strong-Coupling Regime
2020年1月29日, 理化学研究所 鈴木梅太郎記念ホール(東京)
S. Kim
Recent Progress on the NbN-based Superconducting Qubit: 0-qubit and π-qubit
2020年1月29日、理化学研究所 鈴木梅太郎記念ホール(東京)
F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, T. Fuse, K. Semba
Derivation of the Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit using the circuit variables
EU-USA-Japan International Symposium on Quantum Technology (ISQT2019)
Kyoto Briton hotel, Japan, December 16-17, 2019.
Tomoko Fuse, Zhihao Xiao, Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Masahide Sasaki, Kouichi Semba, Masahiro Takeoka, Jonathan P. Dowling
Fast Amplification and Rephasing of an Entangled Cat States in a Qubit-Oscillator System,
EU-USA-Japan International Symposium on Quantum Technology (ISQT2019)
Kyoto Briton hotel, Japan, December 16-17, 2019.
Sunmi Kim, Taro Yamashita, Tomoko Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Wei Qiu, Ziqiao Ao, Kouichi Semba, Hirotaka Terai
Recent Progress on the NbN-based Superconducting Qubit: 0-qubit and π-qubit
EU-USA-JAPAN International Symposium on Quantum Technology (ISQT2019),
Kyoto Brighton Hotel, Dec. 16-17, 2019
Kouichi Semba and Sahel Ashhab (QEERI)(Invited)
Conical-intersection and Berry phase in deep-strongly coupled superconducting-qubit-resonator system
Workshop on Innovative Nanoscale Devices and Systems (WINDS2019)(Hawaii)
Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA, Dec 1 - Dec 6, 2019
F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, T. Fuse, K. Semba
Derivation of the Hamiltonian of a flux qubit-LC oscillator circuit using the circuit variables
International School and Symposium on Nanoscale Transport and phoTonics 2019 (ISNTT2019)
NTT Atsugi R&D Center, Japan, November 18-22, 2019.
Tomoko Fuse, Zhihao Xiao, Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Masahide Sasaki, Kouichi Semba, Masahiro Takeoka, Jonathan P. Dowling
Fast Amplification and Rephasing of a Cat State in a Qubit-Oscillator System
International School and Symposium on Nanoscale Transport and phoTonics 2019 (ISNTT2019)
NTT Atsugi R&D Center, Japan, November 18-22, 2019.
S. Kim, T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, W. Qiu, T. Yamashita, Z. Ao, K. Semba, H. Terai
NbN-based Superconducting Qubit on SI Substrate
International Scholl and Symposium on Nanoscale Transport and photonics (ISNTT2019),
NTT Atsugi R&D Center, Japan, November 18-22, 2019.
Ziqiao Ao, Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Sunmi Kim, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Tomohiro Shitara, Kazuki Koshino, Takao Aoki, Kouichi Semba
Selection rules of quantum transitions observed in superconducting flux qubit-resonator circuits in the ultra-strong coupling regime
International Scholl and Symposium on Nanoscale Transport and photonics (ISNTT2019),
NTT Atsugi R&D Center, Japan, November 18-22, 2019.
S. Kim, T. Yamashita, T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, W. Qiu, Z. Ao, K. Semba, H. Terai
Development of NbN-based superconducting quantum circuit: 0-qubit and π-qubit
1st Workshop on Quantum and Classical Cryogenic Devices, Circuits, and Systems (QCCC2019)
Nagoya University, Japan, Nov. 12th-13th, 2019 (oral)
Kouichi Semba (Keynote Address)
Emerging ultrastrong coupling between light and matter observed in circuit quantum electrodynamics
International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography (MQC 2019)
Kyushu University, September 25 - 27, 2019.
応用物理学会2019年秋季大会, 2019年9月18-21日, 北海道大学 (札幌)
布施智子, Zhihao Xiao,Sahel Ashhab, 吉原文樹, 仙場浩一, 佐々木雅英, 武岡 正裕, Jonathan P. Dowling
応用物理学会2019年秋季大会, 2019年9月18-21日, 北海道大学 (札幌)
吉原文樹、アシュハブ サヘル、布施 智子、仙場 浩一
日本物理学会2019年秋季大会, 2019年9月10-13日, 岐阜大学 (岐阜)
布施智子, Zhihao Xiao,Sahel Ashhab, 吉原文樹, 仙場浩一, 佐々木雅英, 武岡正裕, Jonathan P. Dowling
日本物理学会2019年秋季大会, 2019年9月10-13日, 岐阜大学 (岐阜)
金鮮美, 山下太郎, 布施智子, 吉原文樹, 丘偉, 敖子嶠, 仙場浩一, 寺井弘高
日本物理学会2019年秋季大会, 2019年9月10-13日, 岐阜大学 (岐阜)
superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling
応用物理学会 量子情報グループ研究会, 国立情報学研究所, 2019年10月9日
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
Light-matter interactions beyond strong coupling demonstrated using superconducting artificial atom
Nanjing forum on Superconducting Quantum Computer and System (NFSQCS), Nanjing, China, 18-20 May, 2019.
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
Light-matter interaction beyond strong coupling in circuit QED
20th Anniversary of Superconducting Qubits: Progress and Future Directions (SQ20th)
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA), May 13-15, 2019
Fumiki YOSHIHARA, Sahel ASHHAB, Tomoko FUSE, Kouichi SEMBA
Cross-resonance-based readout scheme of a superconducting flux qubit
20th Anniversary of Superconducting Qubits: Progress and Future Directions (SQ20th)
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA), May 13-15, 2019
Tomoko Fuse, Zhihao Xiao, Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Kouichi Semba, Masahide Sasaki,
Masahiro Takeoka, Jonathan P. Dowling
Fast Amplication and Rephasing of an Entangled Cat States in a Qubit-Oscillator System
20th Anniversary of Superconducting Qubits: Progress and Future Directions (SQ20th)
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA), May 13-15, 2019
S. Ashhab, Y. Matsuzaki, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, K. Semba
Spectrum of the Dicke Model in a Superconducting Qubit-Oscillator System
20th Anniversary of Superconducting Qubits: Progress and Future Directions (SQ20th)
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA), May 13-15, 2019
S. Kim, T. Yamashita, T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, W. Qiu, Z. Ao, H. Terai K. Semba
NbN-based superconducting quantum circuit on Si substrate
20th Anniversary of Superconducting Qubits: Progress and Future Directions (SQ20th)
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA), May 13-15, 2019
Ziqiao Ao, Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Sunmi Kim, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Tomohiro Shitara, Kazuki Koshino, Takao Aoki, Kouichi Semba
Observation of forbidden transitions using superconducting flux qubit-coplanar waveguide
resonator circuit in ultra-strong coupling regime
20th Anniversary of Superconducting Qubits: Progress and Future Directions (SQ20th)
Tsukuba International Congress Center (EPOCHAL TSUKUBA), May 13-15, 2019
敖子嶠, 吉原文樹, 布施智子, 金鮮美, Sahel Ashhab, 角柳孝輔, 齊藤志郎, 設楽智洋, 越野和樹, 青木隆朗, 仙場浩一,
Tomoko Fuse, Zhihao Xiao, Sahel Ashhab, Fumiki Yoshihara, Kouichi Semba, Masahide Sasaki, Masahiro Takeoka, Jonathan P. Dowling,
Fast Amplification and Rephasing of Entangled Cat States in a Qubit-Oscillator System,
APS March Meeting 2019, Boston, USA, March 4-8, 2019
Fumiki Yoshihara , Sahel Ashhab , Tomoko Fuse , Kouichi Semba,
Cross-resonance-based readout scheme of a superconducting flux qubit,
APS March Meeting 2019, Boston, USA, March 4-8, 2019
Development of superconducting quantum circuit with π-junction qubit
Sunmi Kim, Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Wei Qiu, Ziqiao Ao, Hirotaka Terai, Kou-ichi Semba,
and Taro Yamashita
The 12th Superconducting SFQ VLSI Workshop (SSV 2019), Jan 16-17, 2019, NICT(Kobe)
Research activities on superconducting devices in NICT
Hirotaka Terai, Shigehito Miki, Wei Qiu, Shigeyuki Miyajima, Masahiro Yabuno, Fumihiro China
The 12th Superconducting SFQ VLSI Workshop (SSV 2019), Jan 16-17, 2019, NICT(Kobe)
Fabrication and Characterization of Ferromagnetic Josephson Junctions for π-shift Superconducting Flux Quantum Bit
Haruki Kato, Tomohiro Kamiya, Sunmi Kim, Wei Qiu, Akira Kawakami, Hirotaka Terai, Koichi Semba, Taro Yamashita, Akira Fujimaki
The 12th Superconducting SFQ VLSI Workshop (SSV 2019), Jan 16-17, 2019, NICT(Kobe)
Kouichi Semba(Contributed Talk), Light-Matter Interaction ‘Beyond’ Strong-Coupling Regime
in Superconducting Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics, WINDS2018,
The Westin Hapuna Beach Resort, Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 25-30, 2018
東京大学先端科学技術研究センター ENEOSホール 2018年11月21-22日
K. Semba(Invited)
Extremely strong light-matter interactions demonstrated in circuit-QED,
KPS Fall Meeting, 2018.10.24-26 Changwon, Korea
仙場 浩一, アシュハブ サヘル
布施 智子, Zhihao Xiao,Sahel Ashhab, 吉原 文樹, 仙場 浩一, 武岡 正裕, Jonathan P. Dowling
金鮮美, 山下太郎, 吉原文樹, 布施智子, 丘偉, 敖子嶠, 寺井弘高, 仙場浩一
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
Light-Matter Interaction beyond `Strong Coupling' in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
Light-Matter Interaction beyond 'Strong Coupling'in Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics
International Workshop on "Fundamental Problems in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics"
Waseda University, Nishi-Waseda Campus, July 16-21, 2018
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
Various Strong Coupling of Light-Matter Interaction in the Superconducting Quantum Circuit
The International Workshop on Recent Progress in Superconductivity (IWRS2018),
Pyeongchang, Korea, July 9-11, 2018
日本物理学会 第73回年次大会(2018年)、東京理科大学、2018年3月22日-25日
量子ビット - 調和振動子結合回路の超強領域における時間領域測定
日本物理学会 第73回年次大会(2018年)東京理科大学、2018年3月22日-25日
Inversions of qubit energy levels in deep-strongly-coupled qubit-oscillator circuits
F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, Z. Ao, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, T. Aoki,
K. Koshino, K. Semba
APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angels, March 5–9, 2018
Superradiance phase transition in the presence of parameter fluctuations
S. Ashhab, K. Semba
APS March Meeting 2018, Los Angels, March 5–9, 2018
Superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling regime
Fumiki Yoshihara(Invited), Tomoko Fuse, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Kouichi
ISS2017, IINO Hall&Conference Center, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 13-17, 2017
Superconducting quantum metamaterial
Kouichi Semba (Invited)
The meeting of JST-CREST "Creation of an innovative quantum technology platform based on the advanced control of quantum states"
Kyoto University, Dec. 7-8, 2017
Inversion of qubit energy levels in qubit-oscillator circuits in the deep-strong-coupling regime
Fumiki Yoshihara, Tomoko Fuse, Ziqiao Ao, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Takao Aoki, Kazuki Koshino, Kouichi Semba,
The meeting of JST-CREST "Creation of an innovative quantum technology platform based on the advanced control of quantum states"
Kyoto University, Dec. 7-8, 2017
Time-domain measurements and control pf a qubit-oscillator coupled circuit in ultra-strong coupling regime
Tomoko Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Kouichi Semba
The meeting of JST-CREST "Creation of an innovative quantum technology platform based on the advanced control of quantum states"
Kyoto University, Dec. 7-8, 2017
仙場浩一(招待講演), 応用物理学会 (超伝導分科会 第56回研究会), アットビジネスセンター東京駅, 2017年12月1日
Superradiance phase transition in the presence of parameter fluctuations
Kouichi Semba(Contributed Talk), S. Ashhab
WINDS2017, Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 2017
Superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling regime
Fumiki Yoshihara(Contributed Talk), Tomoko Fuse, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Kouichi Semba
WINDS2017, Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel Kohala Coast, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 26-Dec. 1, 2017
F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, Z. Ao, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, T. Aoki, K. Semba
Twists of qubit energies in deep-strongly-coupled qubit-oscillator circuits
NTT Basic Reasearch Laboratories, Nov, 13-17, 2017
Tomoko Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Kouichi Semba
Parity symmetry and selection rules in a qubit-harmonic oscillator coupled system
NTT Basic Reasearch Laboratories, Nov, 13-17, 2017
Z. Ao, F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, T. Aoki, K. Semba
Giant Lamb shift observed in deep-strongly-coupled superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit
NTT Basic Reasearch Laboratories, Nov, 13-17, 2017
Twists of qubit energy levels in deep-strongly-coupled qubit-oscillator circuits
Fumiki YOSHIHARA, Tomoko Fuse, Ao Ziqiao, Sahel Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, Takao Aoki, Kouichi Semba
Quantum Theory&Technology Un-official Meeting 2017
Oct. 7-8, 2017, Hokkaido-University
深強結合領域における量子ビット -共振回路系の特徴的なスペクトル
吉原文樹, 布施智子, Sahel Ashhab, 角柳孝輔, 齊藤志郎, 仙場浩一、
日本物理学会 2017年秋季大会, 2017年9月21日〜24日, 岩手大学
量子ビット -共振回路結合系における対称性と遷移選択則の観測
布施智子, 吉原文樹, Sahel, Ashhab, 角柳孝輔, 齊藤志郎, 仙場浩一
日本物理学会 2017年秋季大会, 2017年9月21日〜24日, 岩手大学
超伝導磁束量子ビット -LC共振器深強結合系で観測された巨大Lambシフト
アオ・ズチャオ, 吉原文樹, 布施智子, Sahel Ashhab, 角柳孝輔, 齊藤志郎, 青木隆朗, 仙場浩一
日本物理学会 2017年秋季大会, 2017年9月21日〜24日, 岩手大学
F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, K. Semba
Characteristic spectra of circuit quantum electrodynamics systems from the ultrastrong to
the deep-strong-coupling regime
International Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Sytems 2017 (HQS2017)
Sep. 10-13, 2017, Miyagi-Zao
T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, K. Semba
Symmetry and selection rules in a qubit-oscillator coupled system
International Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Sytems 2017 (HQS2017)
Sep. 10-13, 2017, Miyagi-Zao
Z. Ao, F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, S. Ashhab, K. Kakuyanagi, S. Saito, T. Aoki, K. Semba
Giant Lamb shift observed in deep-strongly-coupled superconducting qubit-oscillator
International Symposium on Hybrid Quantum Sytems 2017 (HQS2017)
Sep. 10-13, 2017, Miyagi-Zao
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
New Light-Matter Ground State in the Deep Strong Coupling Regime
EDISON 20, July 17-21, 2017, Hyatt Regency Hotel, Buffalo, NY, USA
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
Superconducting qubit–oscillator circuit in the extremely strong-coupling
International Workshop on Quantum Technologies (QTech2017), June 12-13, 2017, The Univ. of Tokyo
Kouichi Semba(Invited)
Superconducting qubit–oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling regime
Symposium on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Sciences 14, June 30-July 1, 2017, The Univ. of Electro-Communications
Kouichi Semba (invited)
Quantum Hybrid System and NV Centers in Diamond
The 64th JSAP Spring Meeting 2017, March 14-17, Pacifico Yokohama
T. Fuse, F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Semba
Deep strong coupling in a circuit QED system - huge Lamb shift -
American Physics Society (APS) March Meeting 2017, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, USA, March 13-17, 2017.
F. Yoshihara, T. Fuse, K. Semba, S. Ashhab
Characteristic spectra of circuit quantum electrodynamics systems from the ultrastrong to the deep strong coupling regime
American Physics Society (APS) March Meeting 2017, Ernest N. Morial Convention Center, New Orleans, USA, March 13-17, 2017.
T. Fuse (invited), F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, Kosuke Kakuyanagi, Shiro Saito, K. Semba,
Superconducting Qubit-Oscillator Circuit in the Deep Strong Coupling Regime ~Experiments~
Interdisciplinary Workshop on Quantum Device (IWQD2017), Tokyo, 6-8 March, 2017
T. Fuse (invited), F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Semba
Superconducting Qubit-Oscillator Circuit in the Deep Strong Coupling Regime
JSAP Workshop on Quantum Information and Related Fields, NII, Tokyo, Japan, March 2-3, 2017.
T. Fuse (invited), F. Yoshihara, S. Ashhab, K. Semba
Superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit in the deep strong coupling regime
Workshop on Virtual Photons in ultra-strong coupled Systems, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan, Janurary 23-26, 2017.
Fumiki Yoshihara (Invited)
Characteristic spectra of circuit quantum electrodynamics systems from the ultrastrong to the deep strong coupling regime
Workshop on Virtual Photons in ultra-strong coupled Systems, RIKEN, Saitama, Japan, Janurary 23-26, 2017.
Kouichi Semba (Invited)
Stable ‘Molecular’ State of Photons and Artificial Atom
International Workshop on Nano-Spin Conversion Science and Quantum Spin Dynamics(NSCS-QSD) October 12-15, 2016,
The University of Tokyo
Fumiki Yoshihara (Invited)
Superconducting qubit-oscillator circuit beyond the ultrastrong-coupling regime
International Workshop on Ultra-Strong Light-Matter Interactions: theory and applications to quantum information, 19-21 September 2016,
Bilbao, Spain
超伝導人工原子・調和振動子 超強結合系
第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会(招待講演), 2016年3月22日, 東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス
Kouichi Semba , Tomoko Fuse , Fumiki Yoshihara , Sahel Ashhab
American Physical Society March Meeting 2016 ,March 14–18, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland
Tomoko Fuse , Fumiki Yoshihara , Sahel Ashhab , Kouichi Semba
American Physical Society March Meeting 2016 ,March 14–18, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland
Fumiki Yoshihara , Tomoko Fuse , Kouichi Semba , Sahel Ashhab
American Physical Society March Meeting 2016 ,March 14–18, 2016, Baltimore, Maryland
Kouichi Semba, IWQD2015 (招待講演), Oct.13-14, 2015, NII
Kouichi Semba
The 67th Fujihara seminar: “Real-time dynamics of physical phenomena and manipulation
by external field” (招待講演), September 25, 2014, Tomakomai, Hokkaido, Japan
吉原 文樹
京都大学基礎物理学研究所 研究会 「若手のための量子情報基礎セミナー」(招待講演)
2014年8月10日~11日, 京都大学基礎物理学研究所 湯川記念館
T. Fuse, Fumiki Yoshihara, Kouichi Semba
Josephson bifurcation amplifier, flux qubit and Josephson parametric amplifier
Gordon Research Conference: Quantum Science 2014, 26 July 2014,
Stonehill College, MA, USA
QIT29(招待講演), 2013年11月19日, 早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス
Challenges & Trends of Quantum Information Technology in Japan
Kouichi Semba
The 1st Japan-Canada IT Symposium (招待講演), Oct 9, 2013, Embassy of Canada, Japan
"Coherent Coupling of a Superconducting Flux Qubit to an Electron Spin Ensemble in Diamond"
Gordon Research Conference: Quantum Science 2012, Stonehill College, MA, USA, 12-17 August 2012 https://www.grc.org/quantum-science-conference/2012/
‘Cavity quantum electrodynamics: Beyond strong’ by Kater Murch https://www.nature.com/articles/nphys3931
受賞:応用物理学会論文賞 2011.7.8.
K. Kakuyanagi, S. Kagei, S. Saito, H. Nakano, and K. Semba
Generation of Non-Classical Microwave Photon States in an Inductor-Capacitor Resonator Coupled to a Superconducting Flux Qubit
Appl. Phys. Express 3 103101 (2010)
「量子メモリーの原理実験に成功 ~ ダイヤモンドと超伝導ハイブリッド系の量子状態制御に初めて成功 ~」
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- https://www.brl.ntt.co.jp/J/2011/10/latest_topics_201110130201.html
X. Zhu, et al.
Coherent coupling of a superconducting flux qubit to an electron spin ensemble in diamond,
Nature 478, 221-224 (2011)
Quantum engineering: Spins coupled to a persistent current,
Nature, News & Views 478, 195-196 (2011)
仙場 浩一, 3000万個で量子もつれ日経サイエンス 2012年1月号 p.25