• 印刷

大和田 泰伯 (主任研究員)                                         

新潟大学 災害復興科学センター 特任助教
株式会社スペースタイムエンジニアリング 代表取締役社長
情報通信研究機構 専攻研究員






[1] 第66回 前島密賞 奨励賞,“世界初の耐災害ネットワークシステムの実用化と展開による社会貢献,” 井上真杉,大和田泰伯,2021年4月.

[2] 文部科学省 科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞,“耐災害性に優れた自律分散協調通信システムの開発,” 井上 真杉, 大和田 泰伯, 浜口 清,2019年4月.

[3] 日本シミュレーション学会 論文賞,“都市避難シミュレーョンにおける追従性心理の導入と遅滞リスク軽減モデル提案,” 玉井拓之,山﨑達也,大和田泰伯,佐藤剛至,柄沢直之,2020年7月.

[4] IEEE Computer Society TrustCom 2014 Best Paper Award, “Energy Efficient Scheduling and Load Distribution Based on Renewable Energy for Wireless Mesh Network in Disaster Area,” Meng Li, Taiki Nishiyama, Yasunori Owada, Kiyoshi Hamaguchi,Sep. 2014.

[5] IEEE COMSOC CQR Workshop Best Paper Award, “An analysis of loop formation in OLSRv2 in ad-hoc networks and limiting its negative impact,” Speakman Lee, Yasunori Owada, Kenichi Mase, Apr. 2008.

[6] 電子情報通信学会 学術奨励賞,大和田泰伯,2003年3月.


[1] Sugang Xu, Goshi Sato, Masaki Shiraiwa, Katsuhiro Temma, Yasunori Owada, Noboru Yoshikane, Takehiro Tsuritani, Toshiaki Kuri, Yoshinari Awaji, Naruto Yonemoto, Naoya Wada, “Field-Trial Experiments of an IoT-based Fiber Networks Control and Management-plane Early Disaster Recovery via Narrow-band and Lossy Links System (FRENLL),” IEICE Transactions on Communications, issue 11, pp. 1214-1225, Nov. 2020.

[2] Arata Kato, Taka Maeno, Yasunori Owada, Goshi Sato, Katsuhiro Temma, Toshiaki Kuri, Mineo Takai, Susumu Ishihara, “Performance Evaluation of FILS in a Vehicular Delay/Disruption Tolerant Network,” IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), pp. 1-5. 10.1109/VTC2020-Fall49728.2020.9348611.

[3] Hiroshi Kumagai, Hiroshi Sakurauchi, Shinsuke Koitabashi, Takeaki Uchiyama, Shinichi Sasaki, Kazuhide Noda, Makoto Ishizaki, Satoshi Kotabe, Atsushi Yamamoto, Yoshitaka Shimizu, Yasuo Suzuki, Yasunori Owada, Katsuhiro Temma, Goshi Sato, Toshiaki Miyazaki, Peng Li, Yuichi Kawamoto, Nei Kato, Hiroki Nishiyama, “Development of Resilient Information and Communications Technology for Relief Against Natural Disasters,” Journal of Disaster Research, Vol.14, No.2, pp. 348-362, Mar. 2019.

[4] Y. Owada, G. Sato, K. Temma, T. Kuri, M. Inoue and T. Nagano, "An Implementation of Layer 2 Overlay Mesh Network and Edge Computing Platform for IoT," 2019 Twelfth International Conference on Mobile Computing and Ubiquitous Network (ICMU), 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.23919/ICMU48249.2019.9006640.

[5] 服部聖彦, 天間克宏, 趙欧, 単麟, 安達文幸, 大和田泰伯, “端末間協調省電力通信フレームワーク—実機実験を用いた有効性の評価—,” 電子情報通信学会論文誌B, Vol.J102-B, No.6, pp.435-444, 2019年6月.

[6] 玉井拓之, 山﨑達也, 大和田泰伯, 佐藤剛至, 柄沢直之, “都市避難シミュレーョンにおける追従性心理の導入と遅滞リスク軽減モデル提案,” 日本シミュレーション学会論文誌,Vol.10, No.1, pp.17-24, 2018.

[7] Y. Owada et al., "Resilient Mesh Network System Utilized in Areas Affected by the Kumamoto Earthquakes," 2018 5th International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM), pp. 1-7, 2018, doi: 10.1109/ICT-DM.2018.8636371.

[8] Masugi INOUE, Yasunori OWADA, “NerveNet Architecture and Its Pilot Test in Shirahama for Resilient Social Infrastructure,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, 2017, Volume E100.B, Issue 9, Pages 1526-1537, Sept. 2017.

[9] Y. Owada, B. Jeong, N. Katayama, K. Hattori, K. Hamaguchi, M. Inoue, K. Takanashi, M. Hosokawa, A. Jamalipour, “An Implementation of Multichannel Multi-Interface MANET for Fire Engines and Experiments with WINDS Satellite Mobile Earth Station,”IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC2016),

[10] Masugi INOUE, Masaaki OHNISHI, Chao PENG, Ruidong LI, Yasunori OWADA, “NerveNet: A Regional Platform Network for Context-Aware Services with Sensors and Actuators,” IEICE Transactions on Communications, Vol. E94.B, No. 3, pp. 618-629, Mar. 2011.


yowada at nict.go.jp
* at を @ に書き換えてください。